How to Enable Google Login by Creating Google Client ID?
Steps To Enable Google Login
- Navigate to Google API Console section and login to your Google account if required.
- If this is your first app, you will require to “Create a project” and also may require to accept Terms and Conditions. If you do not see this page, move to step 3.
- If you have created apps before, you will be able to see the list of projects. You can also create a new project by clicking “CREATE PROJECT” at the top.
Click on the project name for which you want to create app. - Navigate to APIs and Services > Dashboard page from the menu at top-left corner.
- Click ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES. Then click Google+ API on the next page.
- Click ENABLE. If it is already enabled, move to next step.
- Navigate to Credentials section.
- Navigate to OAuth consent screen section
- Select email in Email address option and enter your product/website name in Product name option (these are mandatory to specify). Optionally, you can fill other details. Save the details. These details will be shown when user logs in first time at your website using GooglePlus
- Click OAuth client ID after clicking Create credentials button
- Fill the fields as described below
- Application type: Select Web application
- Name: Specify the name of your app (You can enter whatever name you like, but it’s recommended to enter your website or company name in this field)
- Authorized JavaScript origins: Open your website homepage (at which you have installed the plugin) in browser, click the address bar so that website url gets highlighted, copy this url and paste it in this option. Please make sure that this url includes http:// or https:// (for example: or
Note: If your website url has directory/folder after domain (For example-, then save url without directory/folder appended to it ( in above option. - Authorized redirect URIs: Enter exactly the same website url as in Authorized JavaScript origins option above
- Click Create button
- Copy Client ID and paste it in the Google+ Client ID option of your plugin. Do not forget to Save Changes after configuring all the options on plugin settings page.
- Click OK button AND save in the plugin
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