Instagram Login will work only for the administrator(s) of the Instagram app you have created, till you get your app approved for Social Login.
Steps To Enable Instagram Login
- Navigate to Instagram developer page and login if you are not logged in already.
- Click Register your Application button.
- If this is your first application, register as developer by filling the information asked, accept the API terms of use and brand guidelines and click Sign up button as shown in the screenshot below. If you are not seeing this page, skip to step 3.
- Click Register your Application button again to proceed.
- Click Register a New Client button.
- In the Details section, fill the fields as described below
- Application Name: Name of your application. You can enter whatever name you like, but it’s recommended to enter your website or company name in this field.
- Description: Description of your website/company you entered in Application Name field.
- Company Name: Name of your company
- Website URL: Open your website homepage (at which you have installed the plugin) in browser, click the address bar so that website url gets highlighted, copy this url and paste it in this option. Please make sure that this url includes http:// or https:// and there is no trailing slash (for example: or
- Valid redirect URIs: Enter exactly the same website url as in Website URL option above
- Privacy Policy URL: Url stating your privacy policy
- Contact email: Specify your email
DO NOT CLICK “Register” button.
- Navigate to Security section and configure the options as described below.
- Disable Implicit OAuth: Uncheck this option
- Enforce signed requests: Keep this option unchecked
- Fill Captcha
- Click Register button
- Copy the Client ID of the application you just created and paste it in Instagram Client ID option in Social Login section of wordpress plugin in WordPress admin panel.
- Navigate to Manage section of the app
- Click Start a submission button in Permissions section
- Select “My app allows people to login with Instagram and share their own content” in “Which use case best describes your Instagram integration?” section
- Explain how your app uses the Instagram API. You need to explain how users would login using Instagram and their profile data would be displayed at profile page. Provide the url of video screencast showing the same.
- Submit your app for review by clicking Submit button
- You would be able to see pending status in front of Basic permission, in Permissions section for that app. You have to wait till the status changes to Approved.
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